When you see us for an assessment for weight loss, we will educate you in all aspects of losing weight, including underlying conditions which may be contributing to your food cravings and/or weight gain.
At Advanced Natural Medicine, we have a bio-impedance device which measures your fat to muscle ratio, down to the nearest 100 grams. This enables us to design a weight loss programme for you that targets fat loss while maintaining or improving your muscle mass.
Weight gain and obesity
Weight gain and obesity are among the biggest epidemics in the Western World and there are now more diet and weight loss programmes than ever before.
In New Zealand, obesity is the leading modifiable risk factor for a decline in health.
The Ministry of Health Annual Update of Key Results 2014/2015: New Zealand Health Survey revealed that:
- 66% of New Zealand adults (aged 15 years and over) and 31% of our children (aged 2-14 years) were overweight or obese.
- Over one third of adults (35%) and more than one in five children (22%) were overweight. Nearly one in three adults (31%) and one in nine children (11%) were obese.
Obesity may contribute to the following conditions:
- Heart disease and/or attacks
- Gall stones
- Kidney stones
- Cancer (all types)
- Gout
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Fatigue
- Decreased motility
- Stroke
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes
- Male impotence
- Infertility
- High Cholesterol
Weight Loss Programme
How is the best way to lose weight and reshape your body? Just as you are an individual, the answers will be different for everyone. In our programme, the focus is on supporting you as an individual to achieve a healthy, happy, mind and body.
We will look at specific issues you are facing. We help to support the systems of your body such as hormonal and thyroid health. Digestive and liver health also plays a big part of this picture.
We have the knowledge, ability and desire to help you be the best you can be! We have helped many people to gain energy, reshape their bodies and their lives! Our goal is to achieve optimum wellbeing for clients.